Let’s get started

Early intervention and prevention

Drug problems

We help and support injecting drug users. We support with NPS (‘legal highs’), ‘club drugs’, cannabis, other drugs and steroids.

Sterile needles are provided free through local chemists, our recovery hubs and other local venues.

Alcohol problems


We provide medications and clinical treatment for service users, as well as short and long term detoxification programs for people both drugs and alcohol, wellbeing screens, vaccinations and blood- borne virus testing.

We will provide support to service users whilst they are going through detoxes, including helping them get the correct help for long term conditions such as asthma and diabetes. The team also extends their support to families, friends and carers, and will always try to provide service users with care closer to their home, including working from and providing clinics at local GP surgeries.

We support people going through the criminal justice system – in police custody, alongside resettlement support for people released from prison.